Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Learn How to Improve Your As-Builts Through Laser Scanning Specification

In this 1-hour AIA Certified course you’ll learn how to improve your designs by having the best as-builts possible.

We’ll cover:

  1. How to gain certainty that when you start your design you are beginning with all the information you need.
  2. Understanding the kinds of key drafting decisions that get made behind the scenes and how to deal with them ahead of time.
  3. What are four ways you can add additional value on top of what you’ve already paid for, with minimal additional effort.

Whether virtual or in person, you’ll be able to use the information presented in this 1-hour session to improve your as-builts, either with GreenLight 360 or with any other provider.

But we prefer in-person because not only do we get to eat great food from your favorite local places, but Andrew loves to nerd-out about projects. And he comes packed with examples to share, and the best way to experience and vet the future improvements to your as-builts is right there, in your office.

And while Andrew is there in your office, be sure to take 10 minutes and ask him about the projects you’re working on. Even if the project doesn’t require the service, it will be beneficial to hear how it could be leveraged to save you some effort on the next one.

We only do 2 of these a month, so call as soon as possible to reserve your meal, credit, and project consultation. Bonnie is looking forward to taking your call at 918-986-8606.

It’s going to be a fun and interesting hour of learning. We know you’ll enjoy it. Here’s what our attendees had to say about the course.

To hear more from Andrew about the course, see the video below.

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